Design A Productive Office With Our CAD Space Planning Service

Design Technology For Businesses Of The Future

Whether your office needs a makeover, or you are moving your business into a new place, CMF can help you maximize your office space to achieve the best work environment possible. We accomplish this flawlessly by using the modern technology known as CAD, ensuring your satisfaction before furniture is ever set in the office.

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CMF Quiz: What Ergonomic Furniture Do You Need For Work?

Ergonomic furniture is designed not to be a one-size fits all—it moves with your body so you can maintain the best alignment of your musculoskeletal system. Depending on your individual needs, some types of ergonomic equipment may be better for you to use at this point in your life and state of health than others.
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Improve Your Work Ethic With These Healthy Work Habits

Good health, strong work ethic go hand in hand.

When it comes to being productive in the office, nothing helps more than being the healthiest version of yourself. Creating healthy habits and eating healthy food is essential to having the proper mindset to maximize your workplace potential. A healthy body will help you build a healthy approach to work and adopting these 5 healthy habits is a good start toward getting there.

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Product Spotlight: AdaptivErgo Sit-Stand Lifting Workstation

The AdaptivErgo Sit-Stand Lifting Workstation allows you convert any desk into a sit-stand workstation that you can use at the office. Being able stand up at your desk gives you many health-related benefits while you work. The workstation’s height is easily adjustable too, so if you want to take a break from standing you can do so without wasting time. If you would like to learn more about this workstation’s features, please continue reading.

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[Infographic] The Importance of Staying Organized

Some workers underestimate how important it is to stay organized at the workplace. When you stay organized you can finish a lot more assignments during the day. In addition, being organized can help improve your personal image and make you a stronger employee.

Take a few minutes to read about why you should try to stay organized while you work.
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[Infographic] The Evolution of Office Interiors

Throughout the past century, the concept of interior office design has changed dramatically. In the early 1900’s, office designs were rather simple, but with the introduction of new ideas and new kinds of technology, office designs began to evolve. Interior designs began to change to adapt to the new technology, and this ultimately led to the types of office interiors we see today.

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5 Things to Look For When Buying an Office Chair

Shopping for a New Office Chair

If you feel uncomfortable sitting in your current office chair, you probably need to buy a new one. Shopping for a new chair of any kind can be difficult because there are many different chairs that offer plenty of different features. Below are a few features you should look out for if you want to buy the most effective office chair on the market.
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Flu Season Checklist: Prevent Germs in Your Office

Many people dread when fall arrives, because it marks the beginning of flu season, a period categorized by a notable outbreak of the influenza virus. The colder temperatures of the fall and winter months help make the virus more stable in the air, allowing it to spread around easily. For some people, the flu can be relatively tame, but for others, it can be a very severe illness. Every year people do whatever they can to not only avoid catching the flu, but to also keep it from spreading. Below are just a few of the things you can do to try to keep the flu at bay in your home and office.

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Cool Down Your Office with Filtered Water Coolers

Do you ever get thirsty while at work? Do you ever feel the need to step away from your desk? There’s nothing quite like a sip of cold, fresh-tasting water from a filtered water cooler. With a filtered water cooler, the water is always refreshing and you don’t have to deal with an inconveniently clunky water jug. Water coolers are often equipped with a self-sanitization cycle that stops bacteria in its tracks and are a healthy alternative to tap water. For all these reasons and more, water coolers are a must have addition to your office break room.
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[Infographic] Germiest Places in the Office

Anything in the office that is touched by more than one person is considered a high-touch point. More emphasis is being put on the breakroom area and personal office spaces, instead of just bathrooms and other more obvious areas. Disinfecting the dirtiest places in the office – frequently and effectively will help prevent the spread of the flu and Covid-19.

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